
NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited
No 1, Sree Bhavya Plaza, CTH Road, Veppampattu,
Thiruvallur District, Pincode – 602024. Tamil Nadu. INDIA.
Telephone: +91 7708049074
Company Headquarters:​
Veppampattu, Tiruvallur District,
Pincode – 602024, Tamilnadu, INDIA.
Mr.Navamani Krishnan
Responsible for contents:​
Mr.Navamani Krishnan
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Picture credits:​
Adobe Stock 1174668916, 1189620403, 1205058863, 1220917263, 1237171527, 1253958822, 127110682

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Auto Cad – Licensed

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Adobe Acrobat Pro DC – Licensed

Legal advices​:
The NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited company is thankful for your visit on this website and the interest you have for us.

Content of the NavAstrid website and liability exclusion​
The company NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited is anxious to keep all information on this website correct and updated. But the company NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited is not indented to a permanent update of that information. NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited is allowed to change, delete or add information completely or partly without any announcement.
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Links on this website leading to websites of third parties are only given as a favor for others. The use of these links results the leaving of this website, the user bears the responsibility. The NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited is not able to and did not have checked all websites of third parties. The NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited takes no liability for the content, shown on these websites. This is also valid, for all results of the use of websites of third parties. Users work on websites of third parties according to the rules of action of these websites.
It is possible, that the NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited is linked in other websites without knowing about that. NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited is not liable for the illustration, content or other connections to the NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited on websites of third parties.
© NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited, Veppampattu, Chennai​
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Applicable lawand place of jurisdiction​
This website is administrated by the NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited, No 1, Sree Bhavya Plaza, CTH Road, Veppampattu, Thiruvallur District, Pincode – 602024. Tamil Nadu. INDIA. Liable law is the law of the federal republic Germany. The place of jurisdiction for all litigations with general merchants is Chennai.
Terms of use​
The NavAstrid Metallwaren Private Limited is free, to change or update the contained rules at every time. You should visit this website occasionally to inform you about the currently valid rules, because those are binding in that edition.